Date(s) - 23/07/2018
8:30 pm GMT+0200 - 11:00 pm GMT+0200
Available spaces 0 of 0 spaces available
We will do the easy bosses in the following order:
Wing 4 – Bastion of the Penitent
- Cairn
- Mursaat Overseer
- Samarog
Wing 3 – Stronghold of the Faithful
- Escort
Wing 1 – Spirit Vale
- Vale Guardian
- Gorseval
If for some reason you can’t make it after signing up, please cancel so another player can join.
Signup closes 30 minutes before the raid starts.
I have a condi bs berserker and a healing druid on which I have some experience.
I also have a chrono with full commander’s and a sword, shield and focus. But I lack experience on the chrono